Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Little Happy Goes a Long Way

My first introduction to Miho was via a purikura profile picture on Facebook.  It was one of those distorting ones that lightened the hair and enlarged the eyes, so it was difficult to tell what she actually looked like, or what her passions were.

The one thing I've found that holds true is that her whole mouth is always involved in her smile.

Her entire face changes when she's happy, almost to the point that one wouldn't recognize her without that trademark, ear-to-ear grin.  It isn't fake, it isn't forced.  It's full of joy and life and, well, Miho.

It translates to the rest of her countenance, as well.  When her face is alight, her walk is bouncy and easy, with just a hint of a march; swinging her arms high and bending her legs at the knee only slightly.  It feels childish, but it's infectiously compelling.

She speaks French.  She's been to Paris and New York.  She sleeps until mid-morning.  She has a comfortable style.  She's a social butterfly.  She works as a waitress.  She's very patient with non-Japanese-speaking Americans.  She isn't a Pokemon fan but thinks Pichu is adorable.  She's afraid of heights but brave enough to ride a Ferris wheel.

A day spent with Miho is a grand memory.  I hope I have ample opportunity to spend time with her and that she doesn't lose that marvelous quality of happy she's mastered.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you describe Miho - it is much more than what we would get in a Facebook profile... I wish we could see her face more clearly - can you remove the shadow that covers the smile you discuss? And you seem to be missing a photo in this post.
