Thursday, September 16, 2010

Biting Leaves a Negative Impression

Entering Japan was different from entering England or Russia or even Hawaii.  It had a climate all its own--or at least unique to past experiences.  Friends who had traveled to Japan before warned of the god-awful heat and humidity of summer, the brief reprieve of fall and then the god-awful cold of winter.

Humidity and I haven't gotten along in the past, but we've worked out our differences.

It's the mosquitoes now that need to learn their place.  I haven't been bite-free since going through customs.  I heard another student say recently that they're going to get Malaria with all the bites they've gotten.

Beyond that, I was impressed with the simplicity of Japan.

Security guards in America sit in closed rooms watching TV screens for any abnormalities, or they sit behind a desk observing rather than interacting with anyone.  The guards here interact with society, greeting passersby on the street and keeping a watchful eye over who comes and goes.  Greeting the campus gate guards in the morning and evening has become a rather enjoyable routine.

Public transport, its reliability and its prevalence were definitely the largest delight.  In California, specifically San Jose, buses are the main transit, and they only run at certain times on certain days.  If it's Sunday, you can't get anywhere.  Transit here is on time and has many, many options.  It's convenient.

The people simply follow an older way of life.  They don't rely on technology to a fault.  They enjoy themselves.

I hope to see the effects of this enjoyment as the semester continues.


  1. Yes, the weather is a challenge here, especially the Osaka summer. But I don't find the winters that bad at all (but I grew up in Michigan, USA where it is winter for 7 months of the year...). I really haven't encountered many mosquitoes recently. Where are you hanging out? But you did get your shots, right? Anyway, you are off to a good start with your blog. I appreciate the honesty in your observations. I look forward to your future posts.

  2. There are a bunch of them in the lounge because they keep the windows open. I also visited a shrine on Monday and was literally attacked by a swarm cloud. I've got between 45 and 50 bites at the moment. Yes, I've got my shots! Thank goodness for those.
